Since 1995 Teambuilder has been successfully
recruiting Service Engineers. Our services, unless
otherwise specifically agreed, are Free right up until the candidate's
first day of work.
Teambuilder is successful in the recruitment UK and Internationally based Service Engineers.
Teambuilder Resources:
- Teambuilder has an extensive database of
Service Engineers,
- Teambuilder is able to find 60% of all its
placements from this database.
- Teambuilder regularly advertise. Teambuilder
is able to use additional Headhunting and other targeted approaches to
find the correct candidates.
- Teambuilder has a good reputation with
candidates built up over many years.
Teambuilder's Service:
- A pay on success based Service.
- A rebate structure that gives clients
- A quick and friendly response to most
recruitment problems.
- Consultants that have an average of over 5
years' technical recruitment experience.